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WTO iLibrary is the comprehensive global search, discovery and dissemination platform for digital content created by the World Trade Organization (WTO). It provides librarians, lawyers, trade specialists, academics and policy makers with a single digital destination for accessing publications, dispute settlement reports, trade data and working papers published by the WTO.

Content is organized by series title, publication year and alphabetically; and discovery of complete publications or even their components - chapters and articles - is a click away. The content is accessible in different formats - PDF and READ - to meet users' needs, whether for reading on a mobile device, sharing with peers via social network or integrating content into a report.

The WTO iLibrary contains 1,900 ebook titles, 15,000 chapters, 330 working papers, over 1,220 reports and now includes 28 databases. A number of the publications appear in English, French and Spanish, the official languages of the WTO. Every year around 70 new titles are planned to be added to the collection in addition to the backlist titles that are being converted into digital format.

The WTO has launched a new WTO data portal, which allows users to navigate a wide range of WTO databases covering trade in goods, services, dispute settlement, environmental measures, trade-related intellectual property rights and more. The new Stats Dashboard provides a visual tool that provides graphical representations of data on merchandise trade, trade in commercial services and market access.

Key Publications, Series and Databases Available
The WTO Agreements
The Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and its Annexes: This publication contains the text of the WTO's founding agreement, the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement, including all amendments and additions since its entry into force until September 2017. These include amendments to the TRIPS Agreement, the Trade Facilitation Agreement and the amended Government Procurement Agreement. This publication updates and replaces The Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, which was first published in 1994.
The WTO Analytical Index
The WTO Analytical Index provides a comprehensive guide to the interpretation and application of the WTO agreements by the Appellate Body, dispute settlement panels and other WTO bodies. It contains extracts of key pronouncements and findings from tens of thousands of pages of WTO jurisprudence, including panel reports, Appellate Body reports, arbitral decisions and awards, and decisions of WTO committees, councils and other WTO bodies. The Analytical Index is updated twice a year and the WTO iLibrary provides the user with the most up-to-date information currently available on the market.
Dispute Settlement Reports
WTO provides the user access to every dispute panel report, Appellate Body report and arbitration report issued since the WTO was established in 1995. The iLibrary's enriched metadata makes it easy to search through over 400 reports by topic, year or title.
International Trade Statistical Database
The site provides you with the latest data on global trade in a searchable database on international trade in merchandise and commercial services. The data are presented according to the product definitions and regional groupings specified in the technical notes. The data is available in CSV format. The Tariff Profiles provide information on the market access situation of members, observers and other selected economies. The Country Comparisons data is presented for each economy with disaggregation by sector and duty ranges. Summary tables facilitate cross-country comparisons. The tariff statistics include calculated Ad-valorem equivalents for non-Ad-valorem duties. The information is also now available visually, through the WTO Stats Dashboard.
Trade Policy Reviews
The WTO's Trade Policy Reviews analyse the trade policies and practices of every Member country. They provide unique insights into the trading opportunities provided by the WTO's 164 member countries. These formatted publications, with key findings rounded-up, are only available on iLibrary.
WTO Publications
The site provides access to all of WTO's key publications such as the Annual Report and World Trade Report in both PDF and HTML format, which is only available on iLibrary, and allows users to download key sections of the Report, including charts and tables. iLibrary provides access to all of the WTO's Working Paper series, combined with iLibrary's enriched metadata makes the content of these papers fully searchable.
WTO Co-publications
A full-range the WTO's co-publications are also available, including those done with Cambridge University Press. The CUP Handbook series are designed to offer readers an overview of agreements and/or procedures followed by the organization. The site includes the new 2nd edition of the Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System along with 17 other Handbooks covering other subjects such as; the TRIPS Agreement, Anti-Dumping Investigations and Accession to the WTO.
WTO iLibrary Functionality
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About the WTO
The WTO provides a forum for negotiating agreements aimed at reducing obstacles to international trade and ensuring a level playing field for all. The organization also provides a legal and institutional framework for the implementation and monitoring of these agreements, as well as for settling disputes arising their interpretation and application. The current body of trade agreements comprising the WTO consists of 16 different multilateral agreements (to which all WTO members are Parties) and 2 different plurilateral agreements (to which only some WTO members are parties).

Over the past 60 years, the WTO, which was established in 1995, and its predecessor organization the GATT have helped to create a strong and prosperous international trading system, thereby contributing to unprecedented global economic growth. The WTO currently has 164 members, of which 117 are developing countries or separate customs territories. The WTO activities are supported by a Secretariat of some 700 staff, led by the WTO Director-General. The Secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland and has an annual budget of 180 million dollars. The three official languages of the WTO are English, French and Spanish.

Decisions in the WTO are generally taken by consensus of the membership. The highest institutional body is the Ministerial Conference, which meets roughly every two years. A General Council conducts the organization's business in the intervals between Ministerial conferences. Both of these bodies comprise all members. Specialized subsidiary bodies (Councils, Committees, and Sub-Committees), also comprising members, administer and monitor the implementation by members of the various WTO agreements.

More specifically, the WTO's main activities are:
The WTO's founding and guiding principles remain the pursuit of open borders, the guarantee of most-favoured-nation principle and non-discriminatory treatment by and among members, and a commitment to transparency in the conduct of its activities. The opening of national markets to international trade, with justifiable exceptions or with adequate flexibilities, will encourage and contribute to sustainable development, raise people's welfare, reduce poverty and foster peace and stability. At the same time, such market openings must be accompanied by sound domestic and international policies that contribute to economic growth and development according to each member's needs and aspirations.